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Hans Werner Henze

Ein Handbuch

Papaerback, 269 pages
Publisher: Edition Text + Kritik
Published: July 2022

Language German
ISBN-13 9783967076271

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Hans Werner Henze's death on 27 October 2022, the renowned Henze researcher Peter Petersen presents a handbook on the composer's complete works: It offers descriptions and commentaries on all important music theatre, vocal, orchestral and chamber music works. It is preceded by a biographical outline and a classification of Henze's compositional work and music-cultural activities. This is followed by lists of his works and writings as well as CDs and records, videos and films. Extensive bibliographical references and an index round off the handbook. It is intended for all those interested in music and especially for music professionals in opera houses, orchestras and choirs, concert agencies, radio stations, newspaper publishers, music festivals, music colleges, universities, music associations and authorities.

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