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Mourning of Prof. Dr. Johannes Kreile (1958-2022)

The Hans Werner Henze Foundation mourns the death of Prof. Dr. Johannes Kreile (1958-2022), Chairman of the Hans Werner Henze Foundation from 2007-2022.

Johannes Kreile was appointed by the founder Hans Werner Henze in his will to succeed his father as Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Directors. The change of chairmanship took place in September 2022. To our great regret, he was no longer able to hold the office as he himself would have wished.

Johannes Kreile has done great things for the German film industry as an expert in media law, whether as managing director of VFF - Verwertungsgesellschaft der Film- und Fernsehproduzenten mbH, as deputy managing director of PA Produzentenallianz Film und Fernsehen, as chairman of the guidelines committee of the German Federal Film Board or as honorary professor at HFF - Hochschule Film und Fernsehen, Munich.

As legal advisor to the Federal Association of the Concert and Event Industry (BDKV), he was instrumental in bringing about social improvements for musicians, for example in the social insurance for artists and in the field of taxation of professional musicians.

We are immensely sad that we had to lose Johannes Kreile so early.

Hans Werner Henze-Foundation

Prof. Dr. Reinhold Kreile, Board of directors

Peter Ruzicka, Vorsitzender des Stiftungsrates im Namen der Stiftungsrätin und -räte

Michael Kerstan, Director, artistic advisor




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