Villa La Leprara, 2013
© Dominik Mattner

Villa La Leprara sold!

After intensive but fruitless efforts to save the estate of its benefactor, the Hans Werner Henze Foundation has now been able to sell it

19. 04. 2021: At the notary in Rome, the sale of Hans Werner Henze's estate in Marino was sealed. Years of efforts to preserve the estate as a cultural site of international importance, with a tree population from the Renaissance period, an impressive collection of paintings by important artists from the second half of the 20th century, an extensive library and, above all, the composer's workplace, where most of his works were composed, did not fall on fertile ground with the political deciders. At least, however, the acquirer appreciates the importance of the house, and it has ended up in good hands.

see also

Buchcover: A casa di Hans, 2021

A casa di Hans

Timia Edizioni in Rome has published Anton Giulio Onofri's book of magnificent photographs of Villa La Leprara.

A casa di Hans

Hans Werner Henze's house is to be sold

But the Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte in Montepulciano continues to cultivate the composer's legacy.

Hans Werner Henze's house is to be sold




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