Dr. Barbara Haas conducted an interview with Hans Werner Henze in his villa "La Leprara", Marino, at the end of March 2011. (SR 2, July 5, 2011)
- Encouraging and challenging the young
- Henze's compositional aesthetics of "tonal sensuality"
- Henze's courageous standpoint on independence
- Scandal at "König Hirsch" under the direction of Hermann Scherchen
- Scandal at "The Raft of the Medusa"
- Move to Italy
- Westphalian background
- Faith/parental home
- Wolfgang Fortner
- Compositional ambition
- Musical influence from personalities such as Nono, Maderna, Scherchen, Karl Amadeus Hartmann
- Cultural and artistic influence from Bachmann and Auden
- The teacher Henze
- Henze's instrumentation
- Admiration for Stravinsky and anecdote about "Boulevard Solitude"
- Henze and dodecaphony and the dissolution of harmony
- The compositional act