Concert Suite (Suite dal concerto)

From the opera “Don Chisciote”

For two sopranos, tenor (buffo), baritone, wind band and chamber orchestra

Year of composition 1976
Revised version 1978
Duration 22 minutes


Concert Suite (Suite dal concerto)

Five Scenes from the Snow Country

for marimba solo
Commissioned by Michiko Takahashi

Year of composition 1978
Duration 12 minutes

I Mysteriously, tempo of a funeral march
II Very…

Five Scenes from the Snow Country


A story in six scenes (two acts)

For speaker and orchestra
Text by Edward Bond

Year of composition 1978
Duration 110 minutes



A story in six scenes (two acts) by Edward Bond

Commissioned by the Württembergisches Staatstheater, Stuttgart

Year of composition 1978
Revised version 1986
Duration 110 Minuten

Dedicated to the…


The Woman

scenes of war and freedom

Incidential music for the play of the same title by Edward Bond

Year of composition 1978

The Woman

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