The English Cat

A story for singers and instrumentalists by Edward Bond

Commissioned by the Süddeutscher Rundfunk and the Württemberg State Theatre Stuttgart

Period of composition 1980-83
Revised version 1990
Duration 130…

The English Cat

Nocturnal Serenade

For soprano and piano
Arranged by Martin Zehn
Poem by Edward Bond

Year of composition 1996
Original version 1983
Duration 8 mintues

“The moon walks…

Nocturnal Serenade

Oedipus the Tyrant (Ödipus der Tyrann)

or: Father drives off his son and sends his doughter into the kitchen

A play by Hubert Höllmüller for four actors, tenor and four instrumentalists (guitar, violin, viola, violoncello)

Co-composed with Hans-Jürgen von…

Oedipus the Tyrant (Ödipus der Tyrann)

Orpheus behind the Wire

Poems by Edward Bond

For 8– to 12–part mixed chorus a cappella (SSS AAA TTT BBB)

Year of composition 1981-83
Duration 17 minutes

I What was hell like?
II The point to be…

Orpheus behind the Wire

Sonata for Eight Brass Players (Sonate für acht Blechbläser)

Year of composition 1983
Duration 8 minutes

I Largo
II Allegramente
III Rondino I
IV Grave
V Rondino II

Sonata for Eight Brass Players (Sonate für acht Blechbläser)

Three Auden Songs

For tenor and piano

Year of composition 1983
Duration 10 minutes

For Peg

I In memoriam L.K.A.(1950–1952) (At peace under this mandarin, sleep)

Three Auden Songs

Un Amour de Swann

(Swann in love)

Soundtrack for the movie by Volker Schloendorff after the novel by Marcel Proust (screenplay by Peter Brook)

Composition realized by…

Un Amour de Swann

12 Variations pour sextuor à cordes et harpe autour de la petite phrase de la sonate de Vinteuil

for harp and string sextett

Year of composition 1983
Duration 21 minutes

12 Variations pour sextuor à cordes et harpe autour de la petite phrase de la sonate de Vinteuil

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