Album for piano

Period of composition 1966-1994
Duration 12 minutes

I Ode al dodicesimo apostolo (1996)

II Piece for Peter (1988)

III Clavierstück (1989)

IV The…

Album for piano

Chacona sopra il nome Fausto

30 variazioni per pianoforte
Chacona sopra il nome Fausto


Three miniatures for piano

Period of composition 1980-81
Duration 8 minutes

Dedicated to Götz Friedrich



For two pianos

Year of composition 1964
Duration 12 minutes

I Allegro
II Con spirito
IV Vivace

Interludes from the opera “The Young…


English Ballads and Sonnets (Englische Balladen und Sonette)

for piano and violoncello

Period of composition 1984/85 (rev. 2003)
Duration 25 minutes

I Quiet, restrained
II ¼ = 72
III Agitated, intense, stormy
IV Grave, solemn
V Tango

English Ballads and Sonnets (Englische Balladen und Sonette)


Fragments for harpsichord

Year of composition  1981 (1978)
Revised version 1992
Duration 6 minutes

I Con calma e grazia
II Sarabanda
III Gran…


Fantasy (Fantasie)

for piano

Year of composition 1947
Duration 11 minutes

Fantasy (Fantasie)

Five Piano Pieces in G Major (Fünf Klavierstücke in G-Dur)

for Sergiu Celibidache

Year of composition 1950

Five Piano Pieces in G Major (Fünf Klavierstücke in G-Dur)

For Reinhold

for piano

for Reinhold Kreile

For Reinhold

The house of Ibach (Das Haus Ibach)

for piano

Year of composition 1991

The house of Ibach (Das Haus Ibach)

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