Adagio adagio

Serenade for violin, violoncello and piano

Year of composition 1993
Duration 4 minutes

To Peg’s 80th birthday

Adagio adagio

Album for Violin (Album für Violine)

Period of composition 1977-1999
Duration 6 minutes

I Ländler (1977)

II für Manfred (7.9.1989)

III Peter Doll zum Abschied (29.12.1999)

Album for Violin (Album für Violine)

Allegra e Boris

Duetto concertante per violino e viola all'occasione delle loro fortunatissime nozze il 5 settembre, 1987

for Boris Johnson and Allegra

Year of composition 1987
Duration 2 minutes

Allegra e Boris


For solo violoncello
Arranged by Heinrich Schiff

Year of composition 1976 (as Capriccio per Paul Sacher)
New version 1981
Duration 6 minutes



The captured (Die Gefangenen)

Music for a play by Max Kommerell

for strings

Year of composition 1950

The captured (Die Gefangenen)

Concert Piece for Violoncello and small Ensemble

(Konzertstück für Violoncello und kleines Ensemble)

inspired by a poem of Robert Burns

Year of composition 1977
Revision 1985
Duration 5 minutes

Concert Piece for Violoncello and small Ensemble


for solo violin and small chamber orchestra (9 solo instruments)

Year of composition: 1943/44


English Ballads and Sonnets (Englische Balladen und Sonette)

for piano and violoncello

Period of composition 1984/85 (rev. 2003)
Duration 25 minutes

I Quiet, restrained
II ¼ = 72
III Agitated, intense, stormy
IV Grave, solemn
V Tango

English Ballads and Sonnets (Englische Balladen und Sonette)


for solo Violoncello

on the death ofPaul Dessau

Year of composition 1979
Duration 2 minutes


Étude Philharmonique

For solo violin
Arranged by Gidon Kremer

Year of composition 1979
Duration 4 minutes

Étude Philharmonique

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