Les Caprices de Marianne

Musik zum Schauspiel von Alfred de Musset in der Fassung von Jean-Pierre Ponnelle

Entstehungsjahr 1963

Les Caprices de Marianne

The captured (Die Gefangenen)

Music for a play by Max Kommerell

for strings

Year of composition 1950

The captured (Die Gefangenen)

A tremendous day (Ein toller Tag)

Incidental music for the play by Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais in the production of Heinz Dietrich Kentner 

for nine instruments

Year of…

A tremendous day (Ein toller Tag)


Incidential music for the play by Jean Giraudoux
staged by Gustav Rudolf Sellner

Year of composition 1952


Oedipus the Tyrant (Ödipus der Tyrann)

or: Father drives off his son and sends his doughter into the kitchen

A play by Hubert Höllmüller for four actors, tenor and four instrumentalists (guitar, violin, viola, violoncello)

Co-composed with Hans-Jürgen von…

Oedipus the Tyrant (Ödipus der Tyrann)

The Peace (Der Frieden)

Incidental music for the play by Aristophanes, translated by Peter Hacks for the staging of Jean-Pierre Ponnelle, for bass, choir, trombone, guitar,…

The Peace (Der Frieden)

Sodom and Gomorrah (Sodom und Gomorrha)

Incidental music for the play by Jean Giraudoux in the production of Karlheinz Stroux

(for audiotape)

Year of composition 1952

Sodom and Gomorrah (Sodom und Gomorrha)

The Woman

scenes of war and freedom

Incidential music for the play of the same title by Edward Bond

Year of composition 1978

The Woman

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