Konstellationen zwischen Claude Debussy / Dudley Murphy und Hans Werner Henze / Alain Resnais
Jürg Stenzl
Paperback: 376 pages Publisher: edition text + kritik Published in: January 1st 2016
Language german ISBN 9783869164908
In twelve studies of films made between 1920 and 2003, music and film historian Jürg Stenzl examines the relationship between film and music, revealing their impressive diversity. Music and film historian Jürg Stenzl is convinced that important films should not only be watched, but also listened to - with "pricked ears". This conviction is based on the insight that an academic study of the subject of "music and film" is worthwhile - both for the history of music and film in general and for the history of the reception of music in particular. From early silent films and German "Bergfilm" to the Nouvelle Vague and operetta films, Jürg Stenzl's studies pick out individual concrete examples and show the diverse mutual constellations between film and music in a methodically clever way - with surprising findings time and again.
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