On the Historical Significance of Music for Social Progress
Michael Kerstan
in: Hanns-Werner Heister, Hanjo Polk, Bernhard Rusam (Hg.): Word Art + Gesture Art = Tone Art. The Relationship Between the Vocal and the Instrumental in Different Arts, Cham (Springer Nature Switzerland) 2023, S. 203-222.
Italy, Atonally: Hans Werner Henze's "König Hirsch"
Emily Richmond Pollock
in: Pollock, E. R.: Opera After the Zero Hour: The Problem of Tradition and the Possibility of Renewal in Postwar West Germany, Oxford University Press, London, 2019, S. 70-100
Zu Aufführungen von Hans Werner Henzes Musiktheater in Italien
Elisabeth Schmierer
in: Antje Tumat/Michael Zywietz (Hg.): Gattung. Gender. Gesang. Neue Forschungsperspektiven auf Hans Werner Henzes Werk, Hannover (Wehrhahn) 2019, S. 229-240.
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