Musik und Politik

Schriften und Gespräche 1955-1984

Publisher: dtv

Language German
ISBN-10 3423011629
ISBN-13 9783423011624

Published in 1984

see also

List of Works

La gatta inglese (The English Cat)

Storia per cantanti e strumentisti di Edward Bond
Teatro musicale Opera
La gatta inglese (The English Cat)

King Stag (König Hirsch)

Opera in three acts by Heinz von Cramer after the fairytale of Earl Carlo Gozzi (1772)
Music theatre Opera
King Stag (König Hirsch)

The Tedious Way to the Place of Natascha Ungeheuer

(Der langwierige Weg in die Wohnung der Natascha Ungeheuer)
Music theatre Opera
The Tedious Way to the Place of Natascha Ungeheuer

La Cubana or A Life for the Arts (La Cubana oder Ein Leben für die Kunst)

Television opera (vaudeville) in five scenes by Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Music theatre Tv opera
La Cubana or A Life for the Arts (La Cubana oder Ein Leben für die Kunst)

Le miracle de la rose

Imaginary Theatre II
Le miracle de la rose


Dance drama by Luchino Visconti
Music theatre Ballet


Ballet suite for two dancing-bands and orchestra
Orchestral and ensemble works


A story in six scenes (two acts) by Edward Bond
Music theatre Ballet

Musica per viola e 22 strumentisti (Musik für Viola und 22 Spieler)

Musica per viola e 22 strumentisti (Musik für Viola und 22 Spieler)

The Prince of Homburg (Der Prinz von Homburg)

Opera in three acts (nine scenes) after the play by Heinrich von Kleist
Music theatre Opera
The Prince of Homburg (Der Prinz von Homburg)

The King of Harlem (El Rey de Harlem)

Imaginary Theatre I
Vocal pieces
The King of Harlem (El Rey de Harlem)

Ondine (Undine)

Ballet in three acts by Frederick Ashton
Music theatre Ballet
Ondine (Undine)

Sonata for violin solo

Tirsi, Mopso, Aristeo
Chamber music String instruments
Sonata for violin solo

Royal Winter Music

First sonata on Shakespearean characters
Chamber music Plucking instruments
Royal Winter Music

Royal Winter Music

Second sonata on Shakespearean characters
Chamber music Plucking instruments
Royal Winter Music


Musical fairytale based on Collodi, Grimm and Perrault
Music theatre Children's / Youth opera

We come to the River (Wir erreichen den Fluß )

Actions for music by Edward Bond
Music theatre Opera
We come to the River (Wir erreichen den Fluß )

2nd Violin Concerto (Zweites Violinkonzert)

2nd Violin Concerto (Zweites Violinkonzert)



A Jewish Chronicle (Jüdische Chronik)

IV. Uprising
Vocal pieces
A Jewish Chronicle (Jüdische Chronik)

Il Vitalino raddoppiato

Il Vitalino raddoppiato

Elegia per giovani amanti (Elegie für junge Liebende)

Opera in tre atti di Wystan Hugh Auden e Chester Kallman
Teatro musicale Opera
Elegia per giovani amanti (Elegie für junge Liebende)

El Cimarrón

Recital for four musicians
Vocal pieces
El Cimarrón

Don Chisciotte della Mancia

Comic opera by Giovanni Battista Lorenzi and Giovanni Paisiello (1769)
Music theatre Opera
Don Chisciotte della Mancia

The Young Milord (Der junge Lord)

Comic opera in two acts by Ingeborg Bachmann
Music theatre Opera
The Young Milord (Der junge Lord)

The Raft of the “Medusa” (Das Floß der Medusa)

Vocal pieces
The Raft of the “Medusa” (Das Floß der Medusa)


Orchestral and ensemble works

Boulevard Solitude

Lyrical drama in seven scenes
Music theatre Opera
Boulevard Solitude

String Quartet No 4 (4. Streichquartett)

Chamber music String instruments
String Quartet No 4 (4. Streichquartett)

String Quartet No 5 (5. Streichquartett)

Chamber music String instruments
String Quartet No 5 (5. Streichquartett)

Concerto No. 2 for piano and orchestra

(2. Konzert für Klavier und Orchester)
Concerto No. 2 for piano and orchestra

On the creation of the Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte in Montepulciano

Hans Werner Henze founded the Cantiere in 1976 and directed it for five years. With the realisation of joint projects by residents of all ages with internationally renowned artists and young talents, it quickly became one of the most important music festivals in Italy and also in Europe, if the focus is on the educational and social implications.

On the creation of the Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte in Montepulciano

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