© Hans Werner Henze-Stiftung

On the creation of the Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte in Montepulciano

Hans Werner Henze founded the Cantiere in 1976 and directed it for five years. With the realisation of joint projects by residents of all ages with internationally renowned artists and young talents, it quickly became one of the most important music festivals in Italy and also in Europe, if the focus is on the educational and social implications.

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List of Works
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Reiselieder mit böhmischen Quinten [2016]

Autobiographische Mitteilungen 1926–1995
Hans Werner Henze
Reiselieder mit böhmischen Quinten [2016]

Musik und Politik

Schriften und Gespräche 1955-1984
Hans Werner Henze
Musik und Politik

Il Re Teodoro in Venezia

Giovanni Paisiello: Vienna 1784, Based on the heroic comedy in two acts by Giovanni Battista Casti
1992 Music theatre Opera
Il Re Teodoro in Venezia


Musical fairytale based on Collodi, Grimm and Perrault
1980 Music theatre Children's / Youth opera

Don Chisciotte della Mancia

Comic opera by Giovanni Battista Lorenzi and Giovanni Paisiello (1769)
1976 Music theatre Opera
Don Chisciotte della Mancia

The Hot Furnace (Der heiße Ofen)

Comic opera in 5 acts and 3 entr’actes by Wolfgang Florey using the model by Friedrich Hitzer and Klaus Konjetzki with texts by Thomas Jan, Niels Frédéric Hoffmann and Dieter Süverkrüp
Music theatre Opera 1975
The Hot Furnace (Der heiße Ofen)




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