Museum Casa di Goethe, Rome
© Museum Casa di Goethe

Canti di Colore at the Goethe House in Rome

On 9 February at 17:00, the doors are opening to the exhibition Canti di Colore - i dipinti di Hans Werner Henze - Farbenlieder - die Gemälde Hans Werner Henze at the Goethe House on Rome's Corso.

see also

Hans Werner Henze Square, Gütersloh (seit 2020)

HENZEHERBST in Gütersloh

After two years of preparation, a small festival with 7 events from September to November, including two exhibitions, is successfully put together in cooperation with the city's head of culture, Andreas Kimpel, the municipal theatre and the guitarist and musicologist Fabian Hinsche.

HENZEHERBST in Gütersloh
Kammermusiksaal of the Philharmonie Berlin. Exterior view.

Canti di colore in the Berlin Philharmonie

Transfer of the exhibition Canti di colore. I dipinti di Hans Werner Henze from the Goethe House in Rome to the Berlin Philharmonie.

Canti di colore in the Berlin Philharmonie
Exhibition catalogue "Farbenlieder" | "Songs of Color" | "Canti di Colore"

Canti di Colore

Farbenlieder · Songs of Color
Michael Kerstan
Canti di Colore




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