Exhibition catalogue "Farbenlieder" | "Songs of Color" | "Ca...
© Hans Werner Henze-Stiftung

Canti di Colore

Farbenlieder · Songs of Color

Paperback, 169 pages
Editor: Edizione Hans Werner Henze-Stiftung
Published in: 2017

Languages Italian/German/English


Five years after Hans Werner Henze's death, it has been possible to make a large proportion of his art works accessible to the public for the first time by means of this documentation and the accompanying exhibition.

The exhibition includes Henze's first and last pictures and covers a period of 32 years, from 1975 (draft for a Rosenthal artist-designed plate with the accompanying plate) to 2007 ("a new phase"). The catalogue depicts the 93 paintings belonging to the Paul Sacher Foundation, as well as four pictures from private collections. If there is a direct correlation to Henzes' music, we have added the corresponding passage of the piano score, the printed score, the autograph of the score, or of the short score if the fair copy was made by an assistant.

see also

Kammermusiksaal of the Philharmonie Berlin. Exterior view.

Canti di colore in the Berlin Philharmonie

Transfer of the exhibition Canti di colore. I dipinti di Hans Werner Henze from the Goethe House in Rome to the Berlin Philharmonie.

Canti di colore in the Berlin Philharmonie
Museum Casa di Goethe, Rome

Canti di Colore alla Casa di Goethe di Roma

Il 9 febbraio alle ore 17:00 si aprono le porte della mostra Canti di Colore - i dipinti di Hans Werner Henze - Farbenlieder - die Gemälde Hans Werner Henze presso la Casa di Goethe al Corso di Roma.

Canti di Colore alla Casa di Goethe di Roma
Billboard for the 42. Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte Montepulciano

Vernissage "Canti di Colore" in Montepulciano

Five years after Hans Werner Henze's death, a large part of his artwork has been made accessible to the public for the first time. We owe this to the enthusiasm of the Cantiere's artistic director, Roland Böer.

Vernissage "Canti di Colore" in Montepulciano

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